Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Since I've been back, I've had a lot of time to reflect. Each day a new thought, a new revelation. My eyes have seen and have been opened. Opened to things I've never seen before and opened to see things that I didn't want them to see before; not just outside in the physical world, but also in the depths of my very being. My physical eyes saw destruction, hopelessness, poverty, struggle and uncertainty. My eyes also saw how ugly of a person I am. Things I wanted to avoid became impossible to ignore.

It became impossible to ignore that I don't always live my life completely and solely dependent upon Him. At times, it's been completely and solely about me, and how I want to live my life, how I make my own decisions about where my life is going and how I want to be in control. Why do I not live completely dependent upon Him? The truth is painful to bear and difficult to admit. I want to find excuses and place blame on something or someone else.Why? Because the answer is that most of the time, I don't.

What would happen if you lost your house, lost your children, your wife/husband/sister/brother/mother/father? What if you lost all your possessions and only had the clothes on your back? Could you boldly say, "That's okay, all I need is Him?" Hearing stories from those who survived the earthquake say "It's okay, all I need is Him"...okay that they lost their only house, lost their soulmate and their loved one's and that He is their strength... it's humbling and convicting.

If we truly believe He is all I need, why do we live like He is not enough? Why do we sometimes believe the lie that something or someone else can satisfy the deepest desires of my heart?  How do we simply forget that He is the source of life and apart from Him, we are nothing? He is my Father, my Creator, Abba Father, and I've lived life like he was just another person. I do it because I'm human. We've created idols to fill His place. Things that we desperatley hold on to. Things that make us feel secure. Things that we couldn't live without. We give those things a place in our soul...that place that belongs to Him. And we wonder why those things don't satisfy the deepest desires of our heart and soul.

We all have different needs. It doesn't matter where you live, what you do or who you are. We all need Him.

Colossians 1:15-17 
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities, all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."

Monday, October 25, 2010


One of our crafts for the week was to do some bandana bracelets. It so happened that the day we were going to do the craft, the kids had memorized Galatians 5:22- The Fruits of the Spirit. So we crafted "Fruit of the Spirit" bracelets. Each bandana color represented a fruit of the Spirit. It was a great craft but not sure some of the kiddos got the meaning behind the craft. All the kids enjoyed the bracelets, some moreso than others. Towards the end the bracelets ended up being "Fruit of the Spirit" headbands! Oh well, at least we planted a seed, now we just have to wait for the fruit.

Me, Kelli and Jacqus sporting our "Fruit of the Spirit" bracelets!

We even made bracelets for community kids
who attended English class



And an eye patch/visor?


Or "Fruit of the Spirit" headband!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I never knew the freedom that comes with stepping out of your comfort zone. How many times have we gone through our day making sure we were operating in our safety bubble? How many times have you wanted to do something for someone but didn't because it would require you to do something you've never done before and it would require you to have a faith and fully trust Him?

Luke 9:23-24 He says: "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me". For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it". I'm no exception. I'm guilty. We're all guilty to some degree.

Does the life as a follower of Christ truly line up with the life I am currently leading...My, "all about me", "I got this, I don't need You" mentality that I so comfortably and recklessly live out. Or am I choosing to remain where it feels safe while He calls me to something something far greater?

There's safety and freedom out of our comfort zone. You may ask how? When we fully trust Him, have faith in Him and decide to stop being selfish and take up our cross because He calls us to, there's power and freedom in that. There's so much more to learn and gain as we trust Him and step out of our comfort zones. It allows us to grow, to mature and to reach people. What if we ALL operated in our comfort zones? Who would go? Who would tell the neighbor down the street about Him? Who would share with the random stranger in line at Wal.Mart or the homeless man on the corner?

I think it's time for us to stop being comfortable in our little bubbles. It's time for us to turn from our selfish ways, take up our cross and follow Him. He calls us to be uncomfortable. And it's time.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


After a long, wet, bumpy, thrilling ride through Port-au-Prince and a rest stop to divide supplies and to wait out the downpour at the TNM house, we made our way to Cabaret for the week. Unsure of what was ahead of us (other than the hot weather) we wound our way through unruly traffic, around broken down cars and past numerous tent cities.

Let me just say that there is no ride, not at Six Flags, Frontier City, Disney World, Disney Land or any place in the world, that can compete with a truck ride through PAP. The roads are horrendous (and that's putting it nicely), the traffic flow makes Houston, D.C, Tulsa traffic at rush hour look like a piece of cake. Horns are a must whether you're saying hi, wanting to pass, mad at the driver in front of you or you're just happy and you want to let everyone else know!

The beautiful mountains, colorful flowers and various tropical/forrest trees seem to mask the fact that there are slums, shanty towns,  tent cities, crushed houses, garbage piles and rubble piles all around. Everywhere you look and every corner you turn.

A little over 2 1/2 hours later we arrived at the orphanage and set up our "home away from home"...a tent. I'm a country girl and I don't mind getting down and dirty and I sure don't mind sleeping in a tent or on the ground... but in 100 degree weather and for a week, I was singing another tune and it wasn't pretty. After setting up our tent and delaying the inevitable... long/hot/humid night, I found myself complaining and thinking how "unfair" this was. Unfair that I had to sleep outside, in the hot weather, with no pillow and on a cot.

That's when He spoke to me. "Try to see things more and more from my perspective. When little things don't go as you had hoped, look to me lightheartedly and say "OH WELL"  "All your troubles are light and momentary compared with the eternal glory being achieved."

Nothing like a nice word of encouragement and dose of reality! Point taken!

Who did I think I was to complain and think "woe is me" and think how "unfair" it was to sleep in a tent for 5 whole days. What about 5 weeks, 5 months, 5 years?

When things aren't going as we planned (you didn't get the house you were wanting, you didn't land your dream job or your car breaks down) let's be reminded that we need to look to Him and say "Oh well". All your troubles are light and momentary... even sleeping in a tent.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18
For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory. So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Faith In Action


God will answer them in their day of trouble,
He will protect them,
He will send help when they need it,
He is their joy, their victory,
He gives them victory,
When they fall He picks them up,
He answers them when they call,
He listens to the poor, the needy,
He protects the faithful,
He is kind, ready to forgive,
He is rich in faithfulness,
He is gracious

Faith In Action


When was the last time you opened your fridge that was fully stocked and closed it because there “wasn’t anything to eat”?

When was the last time you said you were hungry and starving? I know when I did, it was before I went to Haiti.

The walls at the orphanage didn’t keep me from helping Gabriel. Gabriel was one of the eager students who attended English class everymorning. His huge smile could melt any heart and his humble spirit could capture anyone’s attention.

One afternoon, I went swimming with Gabriel at the beach and got a chance to learn more about this quiet teenage boy. On our way back from swimming, Gabriel pulled me aside and asked me, “Jessica, do you have any food, I’m hungry“. This caught me off guard. I didn’t have any food. Here was a real boy, with a real need and he needed me to help him. I had to tell him “NO”.  A simple word that broke my heart.

For the next few days our team was there, I would meet Gabriel at English class and give him bags of food for his family. You see, Gabriel was helping provide for his 9 siblings and his parents.
One afternoon I pulled Gabriel aside and asked him how I could pray for him. Gabriel thought for a moment and humbly replied “PRAY FOR MY SCHOOL, PRAY FOR MY FAMILY AND PRAY FOR MY LIFE”.

The next morning, I woke up with Psalm 20 & 86 on my mind. I knew that I had to share with Gabriel. I went down to meet him at English class and was too late, Gabriel was already gone. Later that afternoon, I caught a glimpse of Gabriel outside of the gate, hanging out. I grabbed some more food and a couple jumpropes for his sisters. Knowing this was my last time for a while that I would see Gabriel, I gave him some scriptures that were laid on my heart and prayed for him.

God says “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Eventhough we were seperated by the wall at the orphanage, I considered Gabriel my neighbor. Will you consider Gabriel your neighbor and pray for Gabriel’s: school, family and for his life?

Faith In Action