Tuesday, October 19, 2010


When was the last time you opened your fridge that was fully stocked and closed it because there “wasn’t anything to eat”?

When was the last time you said you were hungry and starving? I know when I did, it was before I went to Haiti.

The walls at the orphanage didn’t keep me from helping Gabriel. Gabriel was one of the eager students who attended English class everymorning. His huge smile could melt any heart and his humble spirit could capture anyone’s attention.

One afternoon, I went swimming with Gabriel at the beach and got a chance to learn more about this quiet teenage boy. On our way back from swimming, Gabriel pulled me aside and asked me, “Jessica, do you have any food, I’m hungry“. This caught me off guard. I didn’t have any food. Here was a real boy, with a real need and he needed me to help him. I had to tell him “NO”.  A simple word that broke my heart.

For the next few days our team was there, I would meet Gabriel at English class and give him bags of food for his family. You see, Gabriel was helping provide for his 9 siblings and his parents.
One afternoon I pulled Gabriel aside and asked him how I could pray for him. Gabriel thought for a moment and humbly replied “PRAY FOR MY SCHOOL, PRAY FOR MY FAMILY AND PRAY FOR MY LIFE”.

The next morning, I woke up with Psalm 20 & 86 on my mind. I knew that I had to share with Gabriel. I went down to meet him at English class and was too late, Gabriel was already gone. Later that afternoon, I caught a glimpse of Gabriel outside of the gate, hanging out. I grabbed some more food and a couple jumpropes for his sisters. Knowing this was my last time for a while that I would see Gabriel, I gave him some scriptures that were laid on my heart and prayed for him.

God says “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Eventhough we were seperated by the wall at the orphanage, I considered Gabriel my neighbor. Will you consider Gabriel your neighbor and pray for Gabriel’s: school, family and for his life?

Faith In Action

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